
  • Mass sales, mining ban, potential One thing is certain: the crypto industry has seen better times. Bitcoin fell below 20,000 dollars at times, losing more [...]

  • Commodity, security or currency? We humans think in pigeonholes. Everything has to be neatly classified and assessable, that gives order and security. Cryptocurrencies are an exception [...]

  • EU-wide regulation decided The Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA) is a done deal. With it, the EU is creating a uniform regulation for the crypto market. On [...]

  • Difficult legal situation The number of cryptocurrencies is constantly on the rise, there are now 15,000 of them - one of them is EthereumMax, not linked [...]

  • Chain reaction When the going gets tough, the tough get going - this truism is currently proving true in a negative sense: the crypto market is [...]

  • Bitcoin's hero's journey Every story lives from the fact that the hero sets out into the big, wide world to have adventures there. In the process, [...]

  • The hour of the regulators Some have already declared crytpo winter, but the crypto industry is still recovering from setbacks. Some countries want to take advantage [...]

  • "Normal market fluctuations" The crypto market is currently sailing through rough seas - including wave crests and troughs. Lately, however, the market has rather been traversing [...]

  • Keep a cool head now A look at the price charts currently makes for a subdued mood. The pressure on the crypto market is too great. [...]